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ABOUT Gajavelli Spinning Mills
Gajavelli Spinning Mills Pvt Limited follows a promising vision of being reckoned as one of the key global textile industry players. A Private Lim- ited Company incorporated on 25 April 2006, Gajavelli Spinning Mills’ mission is to offer world-class top-quality products in the global market, therefore, setting a supreme benchmark. Superior technology and constant innova- tion is their secret recipe to leverage the production and quality standards. With an initial spindleage of 15,600, the factory is located at Narakoduru-Tenali road. Che- brolu village around 13 kms from Guntur Andhra Pradesh. Another 19,584 spindles were added to the existing spindleage in 2011 and the total spindle capacity is 35.184 Implemented the Latest machinery the expansion project was backed by fully automatic linked Auto Coners adhering to the latest technology