Gajavelli Spinning Mill

Gajavelli Spinning mill(GSM) Unit 1 was Incorporated in 2008 with a spindle capacity of 15,600. In 2011 we have added Unit 2 with 19584 Spindles. Currently the mill holds a total capacity of 35184 spindles. We have expanded the business as our customers have continued to procure Yarn from us due to the Quality standards we maintain.

Each Cotton Fiber Bale is tested in HVI and AFIS before being issued for yarn production and the yarn produced goes through various inspections with Premium IQ machines.

GSM Yarn is produced from Automated world class imported machinery with a daily production of 23 tons. With our extensive knowledge, experience and well-trained staff, GSM strives to produce yarns of the highest quality.

Our Products

Carded Counts

20's KW to 60's KW

Combed Counts

40's CW to 60's CW

Semi Combed Hosiery

20's SCH to 40's SCH

Combed Hosiery

40's CH to 60's CH

Cotton Waste

Our Customers